What Should I Invest In? An Answer From The Expert

Do you want to know what is going to give you the best return on your investment? A while back, I was asked to participate in a YouTube Live video with a close friend of mine. Matt is an extremely savvy business owner and financial coach. In the past, he would travel all over the US teaching people some unique strategies to reduce debt and increase cash flow. The travel, though, burned him out. He moved his education away from the stage and onto the greatest educational platform on the internet, YouTube. His channel has taken off, and he just reached 100K subscribers, and they are still coming. People like him because he is extremely smart, direct and honest.

During this YouTube Live video, Matt lead a small team, including myself, to answer questions from viewers as they came in. One of the questions we received is an extremely challenging question to answer, but so, so important. "I have money. What should I invest in?"

I say this is a hard question to answer because the real answer is; "It depends." It depends, are factors such as; your risk tolerance, your time, the amount of the investment, the people involved, your knowledge of the vehicle, your horizon, and so much more. Matt turned to me and I did the best I could to answer. I said that my advice would be to invest in something you are good at. You can make a ton of money in many different vehicles, so work with something you understand and enjoy. I know someone that is making a killing in crypto, but there is no chance I will be investing in that. Matt took the mic next and blew my answer out of the water. (I wished he would have went first). He said you need to invest in yourself and in business. Creating a business will create more income than a passive investment, but the key here is to invest in yourself. The reality is, no investment pays a higher return than investing in you.

I owe a tremendous amount of my success to the home study courses that I absorbed, as well as real estate and business coaches that I hired. I committed to two action items early on that made a difference to me in my career.

I spent a minimum of $1,000 a year on home study courses. This was a lot of money to me and it was just one course a year!
I would not buy another book or course until I implemented at least one thing I learned from the last book or course I went through.
After I started making money I started investing more in myself, which included mentors and coaches. Even recently I worked with a business coach to help me with Pine Financial. The knowledge I gained from dedicating myself to myself has paid me millions of dollars and continues to pay me today.
Although Pine Financial does not do coaching or make money directly from education, we do offer a lot of education. With the exception of one event a year, everything we do is free, and we don't hold back. Our thought is that if we can help you succeed, we too will be successful. The best way to get free information from us is on our new YouTube channel, so be sure to check that out and subscribe. Maybe someday we too will get 100K subscribers!


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